Design, engineering and technology

Hidden Worlds: Narrative Writing & STEM BUNDLE
This 66-page bundle includes two different resources where students will focus on hidden worlds:
Write a narrative text about using a portal key
Design a circuit for an interactive portal key with circuit stickers (STEM)
The pack includes different graphic organizers, resources for lower ability pupils, as well as lesson plans and rubrics.
All learning outcomes are aligned with the 2014 National Curriculum of England, and connections to the CCSS are noted, where appropriate.
Links to digital files for editing and sharing on digital platforms are provided in files with download.

Hidden Worlds Thematic Unit BUNDLE
Digital at-home learning made easy! Combine a four-week unit on hidden worlds with four novel studies that look at hidden worlds and the portals used to get there.
This 687-page bundle includes:
Hidden Worlds 4-week unit: research and report writing, persuasive writing, narrative writing, STEAM *Includes lesson plans, resources, editable rubrics
Peter Pan Novel Study
Iron Hearted Violet Novel Study
The Girl Who Drank the Moon Novel Study
Coraline Novel Study
Magonia Novel Study
All objectives are aligned with the 2014 National Curriculum of England, and connections to CCSS are listed where appropriate. Packs can be printed off as PDFs or shared to be completed on a digital platform with links included in downloads.

Hidden Worlds Thematic Unit
This 119-page bundle includes four different resources where students will focus on hidden worlds:
Research and write a report about a hidden world (creative non-fiction)
Design a Go Fund Me pitch for their audience to fund a trip to a hidden world, including a presentation that includes ethos, pathos, logos (persuasive writing)
Creative writing that uses a portal key and changes in tense (narrative writing)
STEAM project where children use circuit stickers to highlight the portal of their hidden world
The pack includes different graphic organizers, resources for lower ability pupils, as well as lesson plans and rubrics.
All learning outcomes are aligned with the 2014 National Curriculum of England, and connections to the CCSS are noted, where appropriate.
Links to digital files for editing and sharing on digital platforms are provided in files with download.

Mission to Mars Thematic Unit Plan
This 197-page bundle includes six different resources where students will:
Design a mission badge (e-textiles)
Study of the U.S. space program’s chronology (explanation text)
Learn about ecosystems while considering what they would need to survive on Mars (persuasive text)
Study previous rover designs before designing and evaluating one using littleBits
Research significant people and events to the U.S. space program (primary and secondary sources)
Write a short story about a mission to Mars and/or space travel using shifts in formality with flashbacks (narrative writing)
The pack includes different graphic organizers, as well as resources for lower ability pupils.
In the past, I’ve used these resources during a unit on Mars, but they could be used as a stand alone learning outcomes, as well.

Kensuke's Kingdom Thematic Bundle
In the past, I have used the resources in this bundle while doing a study of Kensuke’s Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo, but the resources can be used independently as well with some slight modifications. This bundle includes four different resources where students will:
Shipwrecked! – Narrative (40 pages)
Island Flora & Fauna – Informative (35 pages)
Field Guide of Island Organisms (49 pages)
Survival Invention – Explanation (66 pages)
The pack includes different graphic organisers, resources for lower ability pupils, as well as lesson plans and rubrics. Lessons and objectives are aligned with objectives from the 2014 National Curriculum of England and has links to the Common Core.
Digital copies of the files for editing and sharing on digital platforms are available with download.

Hidden Worlds: Portal Keys with Circuit Stickers STEM
After writing a narrative about using a portal key to travel to a hidden world, children design the scene they’ve written about and then design a circuit with conductive tape and LEDs to make the portal key’s location interactive with the audience.
The pack includes different graphic organizers, resources for lower ability pupils, as well as lesson plans and rubrics.
All learning outcomes are aligned with the 2014 National Curriculum of England, and connections to the CCSS are noted, where appropriate.
A link to a digital file for editing and sharing on digital platforms is available with download.

Valentines STEAM: Interactive Candy Gram
In this resource, children will research different Valentine’s cards before creating one that uses a circuit, making it interactive. They will also taste test, prototype, design, make, and evaluate Valentine’s candies to include in their candy gram.
This pack includes lesson plans, rubrics, templates, and scaffolds to support with the learning process.
Lessons and objectives are aligned with objectives from the 2014 National Curriculum of England.
A digital copy for editing and sharing on digital platforms is available with download.

Valentines STEAM: Make and Date a Monster (Textiles and Persuasive Writing)
In this resource, children will design a monster before stitching together a prototype and improving on it with a final design.
Children will also learn about the features of a persuasive text, including modal verbs and the use of Point, Evidence, Explain.
This pack includes lesson plans, rubrics, writing frames, and scaffolding to support with the learning process. Lessons and objectives are aligned with the objectives from the 2014 National Curriculum of England.
A digital copy for editing and sharing on digital platforms is available with download.

Christmas STEAM: Design Your Own Holiday Treat
In this resource, children will research and prototype different traditional holiday treats. They will then design, make, and evaluate treats made by a peer and their own holiday treats.
Resources for researching different traditional holiday treats are provided, as well as lesson plans and rubrics. This unit follow the 2014 National Curriculum of England’s Design Technology objectives and Next Generation Science Standards.
A link to digital resources for editing and sharing on Google Classroom and Seesaw is available upon download.

Christmas STEAM: Design Your Own Elf Shoes
In this resource, children will look at the chronology of shoes as they investigate different styles over time and building a prototype. They will then design their own elf shoes, considering function and materials before making and doing peer- and self-evaluations.
A link to digital resources for editing and sharing on Google Classroom and Seesaw is available upon download.

Christmas STEAM: Design Your Own Ornament
In this resource, children will look at how Christmas tree ornaments have changed over time before building a prototype. They will then design their own Christmas tree ornament and making it using textiles and different stitches. Children will then participate in peer- and self-evaluations.
A link to digital resources for editing and sharing on Google Classroom and Seesaw is available upon download.

Christmas STEAM: Design Your Own Christmas Stocking
In this resource, children will look at how Christmas stockings have changed over time before building a prototype. They will then design their own Christmas stocking and making it using textiles and different stitches. Children will then participate in peer- and self-evaluations.
A link to digital resources for editing and sharing on Google Classroom and Seesaw is available upon download.

The Outsiders Persuasive Writing: Product Re-branding
This resource is meant to be used alongside a novel study on The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton.
Students choose (or are assigned) a product that they must rebrand for either the Greasers or the Socs. They’ll consider questions about what would make a product more appealing to one group over another? What colors and logos would make it appealing?
Students create a persuasive advertisement for the Greasers or the Socs.
A link to an editable file is available with download.

The Outsiders STEAM: Product Re-branding
Students choose (or are assigned) a product that they must re-brand for either the Greasers or the Socs. They’ll consider questions about what would make a product more appealing to one group over another? What colors and logos would make it appealing?
Students follow through with the design and engineering process, designing, prototyping, making, and evaluating.
A link to an editable file is available with download.

Halloween STEAM: Create a Monster Catcher
Students will evaluate different myths about monsters as well as different trapping devices before designing their own. In the past, I have given students access to littleBits prototyping boards for this STEAM project, but they’re not required.
Resources for researching different monsters and traps are provided.
This unit follows the 2014 National Curriculum of England’s Design Technology objectives.
A digital copy for editing and sharing on Google Classroom and Seesaw is available with download.

Mission to Mars Unit Plan
This resource has been designed as a study of the history of space travel and the robotics used.
Children will consider what needs to be accomplished to make like on Mars sustainable. There are also opportunities for narrative and non-fiction writing.
Included learning outcomes:
Design a mission badge (e-textiles)
Timeline of the space program/space shuttles
Evaluation of primary and secondary sources related to space missions
Study of ecosystems to bring to Mars
Design a Mars rover (littleBits)
Narrative writing related to a Mission to Mars

Survival Invention Add-on for Novel Study
This resource is designed to be used during Reading Workshop and can be used alongside any novel with a theme of survival. In the past, I have used this alongside novels such as Kensuke’s Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo, Hatchet by Gary Paulsen (STEAM pack with this add-on available), and The Skeleton Tree by Iain Lawrence (STEAM pack with this add-on available).
The pack has been designed in alignment with the 2014 National Curriculum of England’s reading objectives for Year 6.
Product includes: research, design, prototyping, evaluation.
A link to a digital file is provided for completing activities in a paperless environment.

Year 4 Maths BUNDLE
This resource is a BUNDLE of all of the different strands of the 2014 National Curriculum of England’s Maths objectives for Year 4 in NUMBER & PLACE VALUE; OPERATIONS; FRACTIONS & DECIMALS; MEASUREMENT; AND PROPERTIES OF SHAPE.
ADDITIONALLY there are HANDS-ON FRACTION & DECIMAL AND MEASUREMENT PRACTICE WITH FOOD AND PAPER AIRPLANES for children to apply their understanding in context with donuts and lemonade.
The pack can be used for reinforcement, in Maths centres for review, Morning Maths work, as well as for home learning tasks.

Year 4 Maths: Fractions & Decimals
This resource has been made using the** fractions & decimals objectives for Year 4** from the 2014 National Curriculum of England:
Recognise and show, using diagrams, families of common equivalent fractions
Count up and down in hundredths; recognise that hundredths arise when dividing an object by one hundred and dividing tenths by ten
Solve problems involving increasingly harder fractions to calculate quantities, and fractions to divide quantities, including non-unit fractions where the answer is a whole number
Add and subtract fractions with the same denominator
Recognise and write decimal equivalents of any number of tenths or hundredths
Recognise and write decimal equivalents to ¼, ½, ¾
Find the effect of dividing a one- or two-digit number by 10 and 100, identifying the value of the digits in the answer as ones, tenths and hundredths
Round decimals with one decimal place to the nearest whole number
Compare number with the same number of decimal places up to two decimal places
Solve simple measure and money problems involving fractions and decimals to two decimal places
ADDITIONALLY there is HANDS-ON FRACTION AND DECIMAL PRACTICE WITH PIZZA for children to apply their understanding in context with calculating costs and measuring ingredients…
The pack can be used for reinforcement, in Maths centres for review, Morning Maths work, as well as for home learning tasks.

Survival Invention BUNDLE (STEAM with Explanation Text)
This 66-page resource has been designed to use alongside Kensuke’s Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo, but can also be done independently of the novel study.
Children will read about different survival inventions before building one and writing an explanation text about how they work. Alternatively, children can design, make, and evaluate their own survival invention before explaining how it works.
The pack includes different graphic organisers, resources for lower ability pupils, as well as lesson plans and rubrics.
Lessons and objectives are aligned with objectives from the 2014 National Curriculum of England and has links to the Common Core.
Digital copies of the files for editing and sharing on digital platforms are available with download.